Business Life in the UAE: Insights from Female Leaders

Event Date: August 29, 2024

Event Time: 8:00 AM

Registration Closed

Business Life in the UAE: Insights from Female Leaders

Join us for a Swiss Ladies Group networking event, where successful business owners and corporate leaders will share insights into their UAE businesses and professional experiences. Each presenter will have 90 seconds to share their stories, highlighting the top advantages of conducting business or working in the UAE, along with the primary challenge they face.

The event format aims to foster a dynamic exchange of insights, creating a list of points to address in future Swiss Ladies Group events. If you are interested in presenting, please select ‘YES’ in the registration form (limited slots, based on first come, first served). 

Kindly note that this event is open for both women and men. Presentations are reserved for female Swiss Business Council professional, corporate, and support members.

Event agenda:

Welcome breakfast (8-9am)

Presentations and discussion (9-10am)

Networking (10-10:30am)

🗓️ Thu, Aug 29, 2024

📍 Peacock Alley, Waldorf Astoria DIFC [location]

Entry fees: 

Early bird ticket: AED 150 (until July 31)

Regular ticket: AED 180

Tickets include VAT, breakfast buffet, unlimited coffee/tea/juices, and valet parking.

[View breakfast menu]

Although space is limited, we will keep a waiting list for guests. Should additional tickets become available closer to the event date, we will notify those on the list. The guest fee is AED 250.

Kindly note that photographs/videos will be taken during the event.

Not a member yet?

Don't miss out on the opportunity to connect with like-minded business professionals and expand your network in the UAE. Register now for the Swiss Business Council UAE and take the first step towards building valuable relationships and growing your business.